Session 2: Peer Review; Reading Q&Q, Multimedia Essay

Hey All,

Thank you for your attention today – I really enjoyed the discussion. I am still working on adapting to this medium for discussion and apologize for the awkward dynamics between the screen sharing, commentary and discussion integration. I had a nice chat at the end about how to make this experience better and more efficient for you. My take home thoughts about this second session:

Efficiency – I need to offload more of the housekeeping to email and website communication so that maximum time can be interactive and useful. I felt my starting with logistical things and lack of concision there makes the class drag on, and I would like to respect the time you are taking to log in to this as best I can.

Discussion needs to be more accessible – I need to minimize tangents and references to games we have not played together for class, and slow down a bit on conceptual material. Normally I can read the room and energy and adjust my comments better, but I am having trouble speaking into the void and doing so.

Better facilitation – I need to set some protocols for questions and comments in discussion. If you have suggestions I’d love to hear them.

I’ll be thinking about these things for next time. Thanks for your patience!


  1. Peer Review: Peer Review partners have been assigned. The assignment is here.
  2. Projects: Get in a Game Criticism project draft for feedback and peer review ASAP.
  3. Session Archive: The session has been archived. Here’s the link to the folder for convenience.

Work Targets / Status

  1. Game Review: Revisions recorded; More feedback by request.
  2. Game Criticism: Sending feedback, organizing peer review.
  3. Multimedia Essay: Think about a game you want to work on!

Due Next Monday

  1. Watch Jane McGonigal’s “Games Can Make a Better World” TED Talk – come with thought to share.
  2. Work on Projects – (GR/GC) + Revisions, backwork.